Friday, December 31, 2010

December 31, 2010

It's New Year's Eve--Is Your #1 New Year's Resolution the Same As Everyone Else's?

Did you know that the #1 New Year's Resolution is to Lose Weight?

Hopefully you got my last two emails, but just in case you didn't, I wanted to let you know that I've got a way--No--Wait--Not "A" way--The BEST Way to lose weight--Our Fat Burning Kettlebell Classes at Rapid Results Fitness.

We call it Rapid Results Fitness because that's exactly what we've designed our program to do--Give you Rapid Weight Loss Results. Imagine how you'd feel 12 weeks from now with a leaner mid-section, tighter, more defined arms, and renewed energy and outlook on life.

You show up and train with us in a program designed specifically to burn fat and tighten all the loose parts--not only during class, but MORE importantly, AFTER CLASS and even THE DAY AFTER CLASS! We'll also provide you with a step-by-step ACTION PLAN on how put it all together--fat loss, exercise, stress reduction, and increased vitality that you won't get ANYWHERE else. And finally, we'll provide you with community support, the most important part of a successful fat loss program.

So, if you want to have the same New Year's Resolution as everyone else, that's fine.

But, if you want to be different from everyone else and ACTUALLY SUCCEED this year with your weight loss resolution go to our website, and register for classes and get started with YOUR Fat Loss program NOW.

As a Special incentive to motivate you to jump start your fitness goals for 2011, I am offering a 25% discount or all memberships and renewals. But register NOW, I am offering this discount starting now through the end of January 2011.

While you're there, make sure you sign up for our Free Special Report, "The Top 5 Lies About Weight Loss."

Can't wait to see you in class!


Thursday, December 30, 2010

Merry "Fitness" and Happy New "Rear"

Who Else Wants To Be...Average...?

Hey! Betsy here.

Did you know that the average American gains 8 pounds between Thanksgiving and New Year's Day?

Well, the New Year is almost upon us--you're not feeling "average" are you?

Just in case you are, I wanted to make sure you got my last email and knew that we are offering a way to get rid of any extra and unwanted weight that may have found you since Turkey Day. That "way" is our Fat Loss Focused exercise class--Rapid Results Fitness.

Rapid Results Fitness is committed to providing you not only with an exercise class that focuses exclusively on fat loss during class, but also AFTER class, AND the DAY AFTER CLASS, AND provides online support in the form of "How To" emails detailing step-by-step EXACTLY how to lose between 1 and 3 pounds a week, week in and week out for 12 weeks.

If you're feeling "average" and want to be EXCELLENT instead, go to our website and register for our classes NOW at and click on the "Class Registration" link on the sidebar or go directly to to register directly

While there, sign up for our Free Special Report, "The Top 5 Lies About Fat Loss."

As a Special incentive to motivate you to jump start your fitness goals for 2011, I am offering a 25% discount or all memberships and renewals. But register NOW, I am offering this discount starting now through the end of January 2011.

Share this with a friend or loved one if you think they would be interested!

See you in class!


Tuesday, December 14, 2010

High Tension during the holidays??

well, yes! But the good kind! Here is what I did today:
Bottoms Up Cleans 3+3 3x with 16kg L/R
Bottoms Up Presses (1,2,3) 3x L/R
Bottoms Up Clean and Presses dbls (1,2,3)3x
Bottoms Up Squats using 12kg (1,2,3)3x
then Bottoms Up Squats (1,1) using 16kg and 20 kg(weak coming up, not pretty) 3-4x
The training felt solid and I loved the way my body felt afterwards...

I hope this season finds you feeling love, happiness and a renewed spirit and a brigther outlook on our future in 2011. In training as well as life I try to stay focused on how it feels.... is my head in the right place, my heart in the right place, my actions in the right place. When I run through the checklist I usually have a good outcome. So it is in life!!!!