Quick check in of what I am up to these days in my training. I have just finished a 12 week cycle with a week off from doubles kettlebell work. The work was as expected. Hard, intense and based on high quality movement patterns paying close attention to sleep and diet. The goal? To add lean muscle.I met the goal...Won't bore you with the details, unless you really want to know. And if you do, email me here: rapidresultsfitness@gmail.com.
So now I am ready to go back to something that will probably tax me even harder, yet totally different. Don't get me wrong, this is not something I have never done before. It's just that I have not trained this protocol in well over a year. You should realize your training goes through ebbs and flows. And as you leave certain training protocols you may have to start back at a much different base line than where you ended the last time you trained the same protocol. So what will I be training you ask?
Well, today I started my first day of a 4 week program consisting of Pullups, Pistols, and Presses. Three high tension exercises that demand high quality each rep for safe results. Having said that doesn't all training require high quality reps?? Anyway, the point is, I will be starting at a lower baseline than I ended with the last time I worked this kind of training well over a year ago. Geez! no wonder the training today felt so taxing! So I started with a ladder of pullups (the 5RM Russian Pullup Program). The pullups will be done everyday for 30days. The pistols and presses 3x a week with rest days in between. Pistols were body weight only today alternating each leg. Presses were ladders (1,2,3,4)using double 16kgs.
I'll update on the training, so check back for updates.
In the meantime, check out http://dragondoor.tv/ to see a "fit tip" that we use in our regular kettlebell classes at Rapid Results Fitness
plus some other fun footage of me and my fellow female RKC instructor colleagues. Save www.dragondoor.tv to your favorites! It has everything kettlebells and more!
Stay focused and fit!
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