Tuesday, September 15, 2015

And now that I have joined the 5-0 club (almost a week in😝)I invite you to follow me on FB Betsy Collie, and FB page Rapid Results Fitness or my blog here , The Kettle Belle Blog http://kettlebelle.blogspot.com/, as I will begin sharing tips, questions and answers about smart training for longevity and life turning 50. And what's next after 50?! A glimpse into my own training including Pictures, videos, to help ALL, no matter what the age, male or female, and life lessons i've learned along the way!
Age is a number and quality of your body and its ability to move is changeable, reversible. I invite you to follow me on this journey. Please feel free to comment here, on rapid results fitness FB page or my blog http://kettlebelle.blogspot.com/ with any questions you may have. Stay tuned!So true :) #health #fitness#age #dedication #earclean #strength #earclean

Sunday, March 1, 2015

Check out the latest Course, Workshop and Recertification dates I 'll be offering....

SFG Level I Re-Certification - March 21, 2015 DURHAM, NC

Saturday, March 21, 2015 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM (Eastern Time)
Click here to register https://www.regonline.com/Register/Checkin.aspx?eventID=1590186

Rapid Results Fitness
4125 Durham Chapel Hill Blvd #10
Durham, North Carolina 27707
United States

Master SFG Karen Smith 619-838-7777
Senior SFG Betsy Collie

This ​one ​day ​course ​is ​for ​those ​who ​are ​up ​for ​Recertifying ​their ​SFG ​Level ​I.

Please ​come ​prepared ​to ​test ​the ​following:
-Flex ​arm ​hang/ ​Pull ​ups
-Technique ​Test ​(Double ​Bells ​except ​the ​TGU ​and ​Snatch)
 ​ ​Dbl ​Swing ​x ​10
 ​ ​Dbl ​Clean ​x ​5
 ​ ​Dbl ​Press ​x ​5
 ​ ​Dbl ​Front ​Squat ​x ​5
 ​ ​TGU ​x ​1/1
 ​ ​Snatch ​x ​5/5
-Snatch ​Test ​(100 ​Reps ​in ​5 ​min ​with ​weight ​class ​bell)

You ​​put ​​in ​​the ​​time ​​and ​​effort ​​to ​​earn ​​your ​​SFG ​​Level ​​I ​​Instructor ​​status; ​​don’t ​​let ​​it ​​slip ​​away!
Under ​​the ​​watchful ​​eye ​​of ​​an ​​SFG ​​Master ​​Instructor, ​​you’ll ​​learn ​​the ​​most ​​recent ​​updates ​​to ​​the ​​six ​​techniques ​​taught ​​at ​​the ​​three-day ​​SFG ​​Level ​​I. ​​You’ll ​​re-take ​​your ​​snatch ​​and ​​strength ​​tests ​​and ​​after ​​a ​​full ​​day ​​of ​​instruction, ​​re-discover ​​the ​​power ​​of ​​the ​​kettlebell ​​by ​​re-taking ​​the ​​technique ​​test ​​on ​​the ​​swing, ​​the ​​squat, ​​the ​​clean, ​​the ​​press, ​​the ​​snatch ​​and ​​the ​​get ​​up.
Successful ​​completion ​​of ​​this ​​dense ​​one-day ​​event ​​extends ​​your ​​SFG ​​Level ​​I ​​Certification ​​for ​​two ​​years ​​and ​​gives ​​you ​​our ​​latest ​​progressions ​​and ​​correctives.
Who ​​qualifies ​​for ​​the ​​SFG ​​Level ​​I ​​Recertification? ​​In ​​order ​​to ​​qualify ​​to ​​attend ​​this ​​one-day ​​event:
 ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​You ​​must ​​currently ​​hold ​​a ​​valid, ​​unexpired ​​SFG ​​Level ​​I ​​Certificate
 ​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​Select ​​a ​​one-day ​​recertification ​​from ​​the ​​list ​​of ​​events ​
 ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​Provide ​​the ​​expiration ​​of ​​your ​​current ​​certificate ​​during ​​registration
 ​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​Upload ​​a ​​photo ​​of ​​your ​​most ​​recent ​​Instructor ​​Certificate ​

Attendance ​​at ​​the ​​recertification ​​includes ​​a ​​manual ​​reflecting ​​current ​​SFG ​​Level ​​I ​​standards ​​and ​​for ​​those ​​who ​​qualify, ​​a ​​new ​​SFG ​​Level ​​I ​​Instructor ​​Certificate.
Be ​​ready. ​

Be ​​up ​​to ​​date. ​

Be ​​StrongFirst.

SFB Bodyweight Course - Mar 22, 2015 DURHAM, NC

Sunday, March 22, 2015 9:00 AM - 4:00 PM (Eastern Time)

Rapid Results Fitness
4125 Durham Chapel Hill Blvd Suite 10
Durham, North Carolina 27707
United States
919) 403-8651

Master SFG Karen Smith 619-838-7777
Host: Senior SFG Betsy Collie
Email :info@rapidrsultsfitness.net

Theodore Roosevelt got it right:
“Do what you can with what you have where you are.”

StrongFirst Bodyweight Courses teach how to get a powerlifting-quality workout anywhere, anytime, using one’s bodyweight as resistance. More importantly, they distill the principles of StrongFirst and reverse-engineer the body language of the strong. These principles have a great range of applications towards lifting various implements and generating force in athletic skills.

The curriculum was developed by Pavel Tsatsouline. The Courses are taught by select members of the StrongFirst instructor cadre.


  • State-of-the-art abdominal exercises.
  • Beginner to advanced progressions for the “bodyweight powerlifts”: the one-arm pushup, the pistol, and the tactical pull-up.
  • The principles of an effective bodyweight strength program design, refined and condensed from the Russian methodology.
  • Most importantly, take a big step towards body mastery by reverse-engineering the body language of elite gymnasts.

“About 3 weeks ago I had the pleasure of attending a StrongFirst Bodyweight Course. I learned a huge amount, and it’s taken me a little while to process and evaluate everything.

You can never have enough tension. I thought I had a pretty good understanding of tension after reading most of Pavel’s work. Turns out I didn’t. A couple cues and exercises and I am all of a sudden stronger than when I entered the gym.

The progressions are exhaustive (and a little exhausting!). We spent three hours on the minutiae of the push up. Every minute was time well spent, no rocks were left unturned.

Instructional booklets are fantastic. They contain details on progressions, tips for flexibility and really good programming tips. I refer back to it at least once a week.

Really good people come to these events. People from all walks of life brought together in their desire to learn. Fantastic energy, and great attitudes.

Jack Reape is quoted saying “learning how to make a bodyweight exercise harder will teach a lifter how to make a barbell lift easier” and he is spot on.

Long story short, I cannot recommend it enough. And, I hope to become certified in the fall to be a SFB.”

—Andy McLaughlin


SFG Kettlebell User Course
Saturday April 11, 2015 9am-4pm Durham, NC

SFG Kettlebell User Course
Saturday May 30, 2015 9am-5pm Chicago, IL
The most fundamental and thoroughly in-depth kettlebell instruction available within a single day.
Developed by the founder of the modern kettlebell movement, Pavel Tsatsouline, the SFG Course is THE 8-hour kettlebell workshop — perfected.

Is the SFG Course the best option for you?

You want to learn how to use kettlebells…correctly and safely.
You also want to be certain that you will receive the best instruction possible, and avoid wasting any (more) of your time or money. If you are like many others who attend the SFG Course, then perhaps:
  • your nearest SFG Instructor‘s class schedule does not fit into your own work/life schedule.
  • you want to dig deeper into the skills, but cannot afford a series of one-on-one sessions right now.
  • or you just want to take a single day to learn everything you can, in order to cancel your gym membership and get busy on your own.
You have probably been browsing through dozens of how-to articles and YouTube videos, confused by the conflicting images and examples, and unable to distinguish what’s really correct from what isn’t. Here is a hint: Most of what you will see out there is suboptimal. And a lot of it is flat-out dangerous.
The guessing game is over — you have found the preeminent authority here at StrongFirst. When you register for an SFG Course, you can be certain that you will receive the highest-quality instruction available. Do not veer off-course; stick with us, and you will never again wonder if you are on the right track.


This part is pretty cool.
First, some orientation. StrongFirst’s kettlebell curriculum and training methodology has been developed and refined by Founder and Chairman, Pavel Tsatsouline, for well over a decade. We currently offer three types of Courses: Kettlebell (SFG), Barbell (SFL), and Bodyweight (SFB). Each of these Courses is appropriate for practitioners of virtually any skill level. No previous kettlebell experience is required to attend the SFG Course.
StrongFirst certifies instructors in each of these three modalities, as well. Our flagship program, the SFG Certification, has the highest standards in the industry, and is the most sought-after kettlebell instructor credential. The standards are so high, that on average one-third of all SFG candidates (most of whom are already personal trainers) fail to meet the requirements, after months or even years of serious preparation.
SFG Instructors are the strongest, most qualified and experienced kettlebell instructors in the world.
The SFG Instructors that have been invited to teach our SFG Course were carefully evaluated and selected by Pavel. This group represents just 3% of the over 2,000 SFG Instructors, worldwide.




Kettlebell instruction is our legacy, and it is our ongoing obsession.
As the most established, experienced, and meticulous kettlebell instruction organization in history, StrongFirst has identified the most important elements for you to learn in a single day, and the most efficient ways of teaching them.
Only the most necessary skills are covered in order to ensure that, by the end of the day, you will understand the techniques and concepts, and you will be able to safely practice them on your own.
In addition to the specific kettlebell skills listed below — and no less important — you will learn many MOVEMENT FUNDAMENTALS:
  • Kettlebell training safety
  • “Strength stretching” to take the brakes off your strength, spare your joints, and always be ready to go
  • State-of-the-art breathing techniques for strength, endurance, back safety, and stress reduction
  • Tension skills for instant strength gains
  • A proven way to train your abs 300% more intensely than with traditional exercises
  • Shoulder mechanics used by professionals for maximal strength and resilience
DEADLIFT — the most “functional” exercise
SQUAT — the essential and easy-to-learn goblet squat
SWING — the “fat-burning athlete builder”
TURKISH GET-UP, OR TGU — a lesson in moving strong
MILITARY PRESS — a classic test of strength and one of the very best upper body builders
You are even provided a TRAINING PLAN to follow — for general strength and conditioning, muscle building, and fat loss.


Yes, this Course is also for you.
Even if you have already been messing around with them for several years, you will be surprised to see just how much there is to learn about training with kettlebells, and the level of detail that is required to do it well. It is a lot different than you thought — and it is awesome.
Also, the Course provides .8 CEUs toward your NASM credential.

SFG Level I Re-Certification - May15, 2015 Corpus Christi, Texas

Friday, May 15, 2015 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM (Mountain Time)


Hardstyle KBJJ
5702 S. Staple Suite d
Corpus Christi, Texas 75070
United States

Led by: Master SFG Karen Smith
Hosted by: Hector Gutierrez Jr. SFG II
Strength Retreat with...
Master SFG Karen Smith, Senior SFG Delaine Ross, Senior SFG Betsy Collie, Chairman of StrongFirst Pavel Tsatsouline

Early Bird Registration by March 15 $349
Corpus Christi, TX
May 16 and 17, 2015 


Saturday, February 28, 2015

In my experience of training students and clients in preparation for not only mastering the 5 minute snatch test but actually understanding and perfecting their snatch technique in general I use a varied style of training that reinforces some of the major components in snatch technique. There are many ways to reach this goal of understanding and performing snatches well and of course mastering the 5 minute snatch test.

You see, many people do not understand that the snatch recruits the same powerful hip drive as the swings, the cleans, the high pulls. Many kettlebell enthusiasts actually treat it as a metcon movement rather than a strength movement. Many look at the snatch movement and think more about the use of the arm or upper body strength and do not utilize the lower body and hip drive as they should. When their bodies are linked together through proper positioning and muscle contraction correctly this movement becomes seamless. When the individual disconnects from the hip drive, disconnects the arm from the body on the hike pass, fails to pack the shoulder and straighten the rest at the top then they begin to move their body as a collection of parts instead of a solid contracted unit! This disconnect forces the individual to have to muscle up the bell by depending on upper body strength alone which in turn leaves them failing the snatch test and/or worse leading them to injury perhaps.

From that standpoint, I begin to drive home the importance of rooting through the floor with the feet. This is solid foundation from all kettlebell movements. After technique is in place for 2 Hand swings I take my students to very heavy two hand swings. This insures three main things: 1( A powerhip drive 2)Arm connection to the body in the hike passthink glueing the tricep to theinside of your legs or side of torso) 3) Stronger abs in the stand tall lock out position, knee caps pulled up etc. )

From there I progress to one arm swings. Working their way up to HEAVY 1 arm swings. And insuring that all swings are at chest height to begin with (chest height and finding the “float” of the bell is created by strong ab contraction and an explosive hip drive in a stand tall position. Once that is mastered I have them take that same heavy bell. Usually one up from the bell size they are trying to snatch test with and then perform  1 arm swings at eye level. The use of heavier I arm swings at eye level reinforces loading and driving with the hips, bracing of the abs and strengthening the whole base, so to speak.

Another drill I find extremely useful is to perform I arm swings with snatches like this:

Perform 3 one arm swings on the 4th hike pass snatch overhead. Perform left then right 5x then rest as needed perform 5 sets.

This kind of combination reinforces the fact that the hip hinge should look and feel the same regardless of whether the person is swinging or snatching.

I also use power cleans(Mark Reifkind introduced this some time ago, thanks Rif!) (single bell work)  from the floor. This kind of drill reinforces the proper load of the hips. It’s an excellent tool, by the way for improving hip loading in general and can be used with swings, high pulls, snatches.

In actual time spent training the snatch itself, I am very fond of doing ladder style snatch sessions.

This style of building volume with snatching not only allows for safety of the movement for the body, managing fatigue but also allows for safe hands with out trashing them. Because truth is, if the technique is off and you set out to do a high number of snatches you WILL end up with discomfort , torn hands or worse. That alone will compromise your form the more you try to train with trashed hands (or worse a trashed back or shoulder). So building volume slowly is the way to go. For example, your ladder might look like this to start:

L/R 7/7,6/6,5/5,4/4,3/3,2/2,1/1,. Rest as needed at the commas. When this can be done comfortably with little rest take it to ladders beginning with 10. I may actually use this as a finisher with my clients at the end of their normal training. I rarely have them snatch over and over again each session in preparation for the snatch test. Look at it like this, if you are going to run a marathon, you don’t TRAIN for it by RUNNING the MARATHON each time you train. Make sense?

So over the course of a few months I may only have them actually perform the 5 minute snatch test 2-3 times. That’s it!

In terms of completing the snatch test I have them perform it in ladder form like this 10/10,9/9,8/8,7/7,6/6,5/5,5/5. This is easy on the hands and easy neurologically. Because you are going down in number if FEELS more easily doable. I do have them get a base line of how long it takes for them to do this but after practicing these other movements and building adequate hip driven strength, and stronger lats and abs there usually is never a time factor to worry about.

Good luck and let me know if you need further advice.